IRR of RA No. 8439 | The rules and regulations in implementing the Republic Act No. 8439 | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |
Republic Act No. 8439 | “Magna Carta for Scientist, Engineers, Researchers and other S&T Personnel in the Government”
Republic Act No. 11293 | “Philippine Innovative Act”
IRR of RA No. 11337 | The rules and regulations in implementing the Republic Act No. 11337 | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |
Republic Act No. 11337 | “Innovative Startup Act”
UP ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER NO. PDLC 20-10 | Creation of UP Diliman-UP Manila Collaborative Research Structure for Health Science Research | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |
UP Visual Identity Guidebook | The UP Visual Identity Guidebook concretizes this principle of unity, particularly the University’s visual presentation through its recognizable and time-honored symbols, icons, images, and graphic design. | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |
University of the Philippines Intellectual Property Rights Policy of 2011 | This policy primarily covers all research and/or creative activities, tangible research properties or outputs with or without patent or copyright protection, whether for commercial or non-commercial purpose, undertaken using any university resource and including all technology transfer arrangements. | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |
IRR of RA No. 10055 | The rules and regulations in implementing the Republic Act No. 10055 | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |
Republic Act No. 10055 | “Philippine Technology Transfer Act of 2009” | VIEW / DOWNLOAD |